Frequently Asked

Frequently Asked

Are Wigs and Essentials Wigs durable?

Yes! The wigs in our Wig shop are durable. A wig can last uptill 5 years or more depending on how you maintain it

Can I wash the Wigs and Essentials Wigs?

Yes! All the wigs in our Wig shop can be washed and dried

  1. Get a bowl of warm or hot water

  2. Add any shampoo of your choice

  3. Soak it and raise it up for few times and throw the water away

  4. Get another clean warm or hot water in a bowl

  5. Rainse it and spread it to dry

Are the wigs economical?

Yes! The wigs in our wig shop are very economical. Wearing our wigs:

  1. Saves you money

  2. Saves you time, instead of going to the saloon to spend hours braiding your hair

  3. Our wigs are stressfree and cause you no headache at all compared to braiding your natural hair

  4. The wig(s) lasts longer than braiding natural hair

Do the wigs in your wig shop look natural?

Yes! Our lovely handmade braide wigs in our wig shop do look very natural. This alos applies to our hair wigs in our wig shop. Our customers are always happy and satisfied with our products

Where can we find Wigs and Essential Wig Shop?

Our Wig Shop is located in Handsworth, Birmingham, United Kingsom. We are very close to popular shops in Birmingham and can be contacted via:

